Focus 2025
Welcome to the Main Street Focus
Main Street’s monthly newspaper is an important way to keep our members and the public informed about the revitalization efforts in downtown Fort Pierce. The newspaper highlights the people, places, and events that work together to make our community a desirable place to live and work.
In July, 2005, the staff, board and volunteers of Main Street began production of its monthly newspaper for this, our premiere issue.
This is an exciting new venture for everyone involved, including our readers.The Main Street Focus will continue to cover news about the events, people, businesses, and redevelopment taking place within the Main Street Fort Pierce boundaries. In addition to its familiar articles, the Focus will have brand new look, new features, and more articles.
Organizations and businesses are welcome to send press releases or event notification flyers related to downtown Fort Pierce to Main Street to be published. Our deadline for the following month’s edition is the 1st of the current month.
The Focus is also looking for fresh stories and writers. Any writer with a story idea may contact the Main Street office at (772) 466-3880 or send an email to the address below. Main Street Focus articles must be factual, positive, and related to the downtown Fort Pierce area or Main Street programs.